2nd National Marmara Pharmacy Congress Has Began

Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy and Chair of the Congress Organization  Prof. Dr. Ş. Güniz Küçükgüzel made the opening speech under the title of “Knowledge Sharing Based on Added Value in Pharmacy”, which targets the added value products and project and patent oriented teams, with the aim to offer insight  into the 2023 vision. Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt, in behalf of Rector of Marmara University and Honorary Chairman of the Congress Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar, saying that the importance of the science and technology increases day by day, presented his congratulations for the congress organized by our Faculty of Pharmacy, which it has an important place in R&D and education field and educates the graduated students for pharmacy, hospital, drug warehouse, drug industry.

Following the opening speeches, the congress began with the presentation titled “ Clinical Drug Researches”,  made by the retired lecturer of  Faculty of Pharmacy and Vice Dean of Istinye Faculty of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. Semra Sardaş.  Prof. Sardaş talked in his speech about the history and importance of the clinical researches in the drug researches.

The subjects about pharmacy technology,  clinical pharmacy, bio technology, business administration, drug industry, cosmetic, patent, research and development and clinical researches will take in the congress, which will be held as 20 different session, including 43 invitee speakers, 46 oral presentation, 92 poster and 286 participants. The  programme will also include the poster sessions in which  the  scientifical researches related to final thesis of the graduate students takes place. A  scientifical sharing in the international arena and forming patent and project oriented  teams that are targeting added value products are aimed throught this congress.