Textile and Manuscripts Conservation and Restoration R&D Laboratoire was introduced in the International Silk Needlepoint Festival

Bursa Metropolitan Municipality carrying on its works to enrich social and cultural life in Bursa brought together people passionate about needlepoint, which its homeland is Turkey. International Silk Needlepoint Festival was held between September 27-30, 2018 at the Merinos Textile Industry Museum, with the participation of collectors, academicians and art historians.  That festival in which domestic and international  participants told about the  silk needlepoints in their own culture included  introduction stands as well as conferences. Dr. Meral Özomay and Abdulkadir Pars, Lecturers of Technology Faculty, Textile Engineering Department and Res. Assist. Zafer Özomay from the School of Applied Sciences,  Department of Printing Technologies, gave  support to the festival.