Together For Burgazada

Organzed by Marmara University Fine Arts Faculty and Istanbul Commerce University Faculty of Architecture and Design, ’Burgazada National, Inter-University Panel and Design Workshop” was held. 14 academicians and 140 students from many universities participated in the workshop held at the Küçükyalı Campus of the Istanbul Commerce University. On the first day of the workshop, technical visits to Burgazada were organized and  the need informations for the island were gathered. On the second day, the conferences were held at the Küçükyalı Campus accompanied by important peoples  such as  Sinan Polvan, Jale Kulin and Krtul Erkmen. Working groups were formed and workshops were started. On the third day, workshop works accelerated. Designs were developed with the guidance of lecturers and juries. On the fourth day, designs were finalized, layouts and models were prepared. Participants carried out collective works in the fields of industrial product design, landscape architecture, architecture, interior architecture and urban design. In this context, throughout Burgazada, natural environment, socio-cultural structure and changing population structure were addressed. In the context of population change, solution-oriented studies were carried out for the problems that occurred in the coastal band where mobility is intense. According to the generated focal points, the necessary urban equipment elements were designed. Equipment elements were dealth with according to  social identities,  environmental and physical conditions. Sustainable and feasible solutions were emphasized.