‘’Women Can Change the World İf They Want To’’Event

At the event,organized by  Young Innovative Health Club with the support of  by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO National Commission of Turkey, organized by the Rotary and Rotary Fenerbahce,  our university students distributed flowers to academic and administrative personnel with a motto of  "Every woman is a flower" . The opening ceremony of the "Women's Career Barriers" panel ,taking place in Ayhan Mergen Conference Hall of Engineering Faculty ,was held by GİSK President Erem Akyurt with the introduction of "GİSK The Past and Now ". Under the chairmanship of Marmara University Faculty of Engineering Prof.  Faik Nüzhet Oktar PhD, Marmara University Health Services Vocational Higher School Instructor Assist. Assoc.  Nuran Akyurt PhD made her presentation titled "Career Barriers in Female Managers: Glass Ceiling Syndrome in Healthcare Workers"