International Workshop In the Jewelry Design Department

Within the project of "Genişleyen Duvarlar - Expanding Walls" of  the Grafiek en Tekenkunst (Graphic and Drawing Arts) Luca School of Arts Ghent, it was organized a workshop on April 2, 2019, accompanied by Lecturer  Dr. Çimen Bayburtlu from the Department of Jewelry Design, School of Applied Sciences.

"Expanding Walls" event is held twice every education period and every year,  a different city or country is visited and met with ingineous artists of that places.  This year, the event was held in Istanbul. 

Project aims to enable students to recognise the artists of the countries they visited, examine their works, scrutunize their relations with the geography they live, understand how they transfer the current problems to their arts, question the impacts of the cultural changements on creativity, discover how an artist produces a work of art as a way of being in the world behind all secondary identities.