"Learner Teacher Workshop"

Upon the demand of teachers, an idea of organizing a workshop emerged after evaluating results of in-service training studies for teachers ,organized in cooperation with Marmara University Faculty of Education Basic Education Department Preschool Education Department 10 April- May 3, 2017.  Kadıköy Municipality kindergarten teachers and Marmara University students oriented workshop will last 2 days and will be conducted by experts in the field.

On the first day of workshop, Prof. Dalila Lino PhD coming from Lisbon Polytechnic Institute and having conducted studies in the field of  practices in preschool education and training programs in Europe ,made a presentation titled "New Approaches to Early Childhood",Prof. Gülden Uyanık Balat PhD ;"Values Education", Assist. Assoc.  Ercan Mertoğlu PhD; "Early Childhood Music Education", Assist.Assoc.  Necla Tuzcuoğlu PhD "Gender Education",  Hülya Bilgin PhD; "Guidance and Orientation to Family", Res.Assist. Elif Küçükoğlu ;"Science and Technology Activities"and  Assoc. Özgül Polat PhD ;"Preparation for Primary Education.’’