World Sound Day Symposium

The chairman of the symposium and the Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts Teaching Member of the Atatürk Education Faculty Assoc. Prof.Tülin Malkoç said that they have organized a symposium in which the subjects of the voice therapists and the subjects of the Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) doctors  and all issues related to voice are discussed. Associate Prof. Malkoç mentioned the details of the symposium using the following expressions:

"Today and tomorrow,on the 19-20 April,all  behaviors related to the voice will be dicussed. First of all, what is voice? what is our voice identity? The necessity of sound education, new techniques in sound education, application forms of these techniques will be presented as new researches as workshops so that it can create an identity. Voice related  initial training, advanced training in Turkey will now be expressed in the form of usage and implementation and training of various breathing techniques practiced in the world of sound. Besides that, there is also the identity belonging to the voice, which is who will cure our voice when we are disturbed about our voice disorders. ENT specialists, therapists, how important they are, are going to get into business. Mostly, studies will be carried out about the behaviors that will contribute positively to voice diseases in two days. For example, when our voice is low, we can not treat it as a sound educator, but only exercise. An Ear Nose Throat Physician will advise how treatment is important for us. If the progress of the treatment is problematic due to certain conditions, then what can sound therapists do? The last stage is ours because we use the voice in the melody  instead of talking. All of this will be discussed in the World Sound Day Symposium within two days. "

World Voice Day Turkey Coordinator Prof. Prof.Kürşat Yelken PhD stated that different professional groups were gathered together at the symposium and said "World Sound Day is celebrated every year in many countries of the world. Various events, concerts, a number of symposiums, trainings are held. I'm doing the organization of Turkey this year. We organize a sound symposium hosted by Marmara University. We bring together different professional groups in this symposium;voice therapists, singing educators , professional voice users who deal with this subject. Beside these, there are also physicians, teaching us how important the voices of all our people are, how important the sound health is, what to do to in order to not lose the voice and how to treat it.’’