The Meeting of “Seeking New Opportunities for the Lecrurers to Cooperation With the Industry”

The moderatorship of the meeting was held by the Chairman of University Industry Cooperation Centres Platforms the Executive Board Prof. Dr. A. Hamit Serbest  and  Director of Nano Technology Rsearch and Implementation Centre Prof. Dr. Fazilet Vardar.

The experiences of our academicians  about the university- industry cooperation and their questions and expectations about  those cooperation was shared in the  meeting that was  attended by 63 lecturers from the Engineering Faculty, Technology Faculty and Arts and Sciences Faculty.  They were asked for whether an interface is needed and what is this interface supposed to do. In regard to the experiences of our lecturers who are carrying out the cooperative works with the industry, it was arrived at a concensus that Technology Transfer Offices should be formed at the interface between university and industry as facilitating and common language.

Our lecturers were asked for their expectations  about the Marmara  Innovation and Technology Transfer Office as an interface of Marmara University.  The expectation list of  20 article was formed with the  feedbacks  of our lecturers. To express your opinion and for more detailed information, please click here.