“TUBITAK R&D Strategy Workshop on the Polymeric Materials” under the our project entitled “Marmara Üniversitesi'nde Polimer Alanında Mevcut Ar-Ge Potansiyelinin Belirlenmesi ve Öncelikli Alanlara Yönelik Ar-Ge Stratejilerinin Oluşturulması” referring to TUBİTAK’s invitation entitled “Üniversitelerde Ar-Ge Strateji Belgesi Hazırlatılması ve Uygulatılması (Preparing and Applying Ar-Ge Strategy Paper in Universities)” was held in order to determine related topics under the general title “Polymeric Materials”.
The program began with a brief opening speech by Innovation and Technology Transfer Office (MITTO) Coordinator and Project Manager Prof. Ahu Altınkut Uncuoğlu. The workshop continued with Prof. Nilhan Kayaman Apohan and RA Emrah Çakmakçı’s sharing of their projects on the topic of the Polymeric Chemistry and sharing of various subjects. The program ended with the meeting on joint works among MITTO, ISO and the faculties of the Marmara University with the aim to reunite the Marmara University academicians’ works with the need of the industry within the collaboration of university-industry.