The EU-funded Smart2Graph project titled “Smart nerve Grafts based on Graphene-related composite materials with electric-triggering capability for central and peripheral nervous system regeneration” was entitled to be supported within FLAG-ERA’s fifth Joint Transnational Call, which allows researchers to complement existing initiatives and jointly contribute to the realization of their vision using special transnational calls.
The Smart2Graph project aims to produce an adaptable baseline design of a more effective synthetic nerve guide channel for peripheral or central nerve repair. Two potential commercial outcomes are aimed at this project. First, 3D-printed tube-like structures (with mixed silk and collagen) containing internally aligned graphene, which can focus on the repair of complex nerve conditions (bifurcation, brachial plexus…) will be developed. Secondly, injectable solutions will be studied with a self-assembled system that aligns graphene to hard-to-reach areas (mostly the bone canal, such as the subalveolar nerve, e.g. a branch of the facial nerve).
The Smart2Graph project, which was applied for in March 2023, was among the 10 projects that were evaluated as successful among hundreds of applications made within the FLAG-ERA Call across Europe. Only 2 projects from Turkey were entitled to receive this support.
It will be carried out in partnership with industry and universities for 3 years and Marmara University, Yıldız Technical University, Université de Rouen Normandie (URN) (France), Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) (France), Universitatea Nationala de Stiinta si Tehnologie POLITEHNICA Bucuresti (UNSTPB) (Romania), University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest (Romania) are university partners of the project, while Kazlı Çeşme Deri Ürünleri Araştırma Geliştirme Tic. Ltd. Şti. - Kazlı Çeşme Leather Products Research Development Industry and Trade Limited Company- became industry partner.
While the project will be carried out by the National University of Science and Engineering POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Marmara University will serve as the project executive in Turkey. The project, which has a total budget of 1 million euros, will be carried out by a consortium including the Nanotechnology and Biomaterials Application and Research Center (NBUAM) and academicians from the Faculty of Technology.
We congratulate NBUAM and all academicians who contributed to the project and wish them a successful project period.