Nanotechnology Center’s Project  Was Entitled to Receive  Support Within the Scope of   “TÜBİTAK 4005 Science and Society Program”  for the Second Time

In today's world, where access to information and technological opportunities are increasing rapidly, innovative educational practices that use innovative approaches and are inspired by technology gain even more importance. 42 projects were entitled to receive support within the scope of the 4005 Innovative Educational Practices Support Program, which aims to provide teachers and academicians with innovative approaches, strategies, methods and techniques specific to their branches and the teaching profession in general. Our Nanotechnology Center's project named "Innovative Biomedical Applications Training with Three-Dimensional BioPrinter Technology-II" was entitled to be supported within the scope of TÜBİTAK 4005 Science and Society Support Programs.

You can access the information of the projects that were decided to be supported within the scope of the 2020/1 call period, which was launched in the 9th year of the Innovative Education Applications Support Program, from the link below.

We congratulate our Nanotechnology Center and the researchers involved in the project and wish them success.