Studies on Science History Lead the Way In Academic

The conference on “Science History”, the first of the AK-GE speeches organized by the Academic Development Unit, held at the Conference Hall of the Prof. Dr. Orhan Oğuz, on March 21, 2019, with the presentation of Prof. Dr. Zeki Tez.

Prof. Dr. Zeki Tez,  who is making  a lot of researches in the field of the science history  in which he is committed with passion, touched upon  the scientifical researches made  in the past  about Europe, Ottoman and Islamic geography.  He  exemplified the studies from  scientists such as Pascal, Leonardo Da Vinci, Pisagor and Öklid and talked about their contributions to the exploration of the universe. After he spoke about the history of the sciences such as mathematics, geography, physics, chemistry, architecture, medicine  and development of the scienctific laws, he  answered the questions of the students at the end of the programme.