The education protocol ceremony was held in order to organize "Değişim Yaratacak İşletmeler için Yönetim Sertifika Programı (Managament Certificate Program for Changemaker Businesses)" and “Dinamik İş Çevresine Yönetici Olarak Hazır Olmak Sertifika Programı (To Be Ready as Manager Certificate Program within the framework of Dynamic Work)” between the PricewaterhouseCoopers Consultancy Services and the Marmara University Continuing Education Center (MÜSEM) on December 13, 2016. Head of the Department of Business Administration (English) Prof. Emine Çobanoğlu, academician of the Department of Business Administration (English) Assoc. Prof. Müjdeşen Yener, Director of the PwC Supervisory Services Ramazan Yüksekkaya, Director of the Marketing, Communication and Business Incubation Aslıhan Dellaloğlu and Vice Director of the MÜSEM Assist. Assoc. Prof. Özgür Akpınar attended the ceremony.
Within the protocol signed among Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration Prof. Nuran Cömert, Partner of the PwC Serhat Onan and Director of the MÜSEM Prof. Ahmet Yılmaz, it is planned that the education programs will began on March, 2017. Under the coordinatorship of the Department of Business Administration (English), Marmara University lecturers and instructors from the PwC will be in the education certificated programs aimed at the middle level managers of firms. Within the “Değişim Yaratacak İşletmeler için Yönetim Sertifika Programı (Managament Certificate Program for Changemaker Businesses)", the lessons provided are as follows: Strategic Consciousness, Organizational Culture, Information Management Systems, Information Assurance, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, R&D Incentives, Human Resources, Social Security Legislation, Industrial Law and UFRS-TMS. Within the and “Dinamik İş Çevresine Yönetici Olarak Hazır Olmak Sertifika Programı (To Be Ready as Manager Certificate Program within the framework of Dynamic Work)”, the lessons provided are as follows: Strategic Management, Current Economy, Competition Law, Marketing and Selling, Institutionalization, Current Tax Issues, Administrative Accounting and Budgeting, Institutional Social Responsibility and Brand, E-Business and Reunification.