3D Bioprinter Laboratory and BIONEST Office Opened

The opening of the 3D Bioprinter Laboratory and BIONEST study office, which was established within the Nanotechnology and Biomaterials Application and Research Center for students to carry out their studies, was held by our Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt.

While the 3D Bioprinter Laboratory allows undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students to produce their projects with their advisors; BIONEST study office provides students with an environment for writing scientific articles and carrying out project studies. BIONEST has been organized with a reservation system that enables an environment where undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students will have their own office desk.

Having a pleasant conversation with students at the BIONEST office, Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt listened to the students' requests, suggestions and demands. Wishing both offices to be beneficial to our university and our students, Kurt conveyed his thanks to the academics who contributed to the preparation of these working environments.