An Automation System Named PERSİS Has Been Developed Within Our University

Marmara University Personnel Department has developed an automation program called “PERSİS” with its own means in order to receive academic and administrative applications to our university,

Persis Program has been developed so as to be able to follow developing technologies and digital applications and to use more modern, efficient and fast methods in human resources management. The program was presented to our Rector Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar by Head of Personnel Department Tuba Biten and Süleyman Aral Artuner, who designed and developed the program.  

Developed for online applications of academic and administrative staff, PERSİS is planned to be used in 2021. Marmara University, which will accept applications in a more practical way through this program,  will set an example for other institutions.

Rector Özvar thanked the staff who prepared the "PERSİS" automation program for their contribution and presented them a gift at the end of the presentation.