The Workshop Titled "From Connected Vehicles to Autonomous Vehicles: Intelligent Transportation Systems " Was Held

The workshop titled "From Connected Vehicles to Autonomous Vehicles: Intelligent Transportation Systems" was held on 06 December 2022 at Marmara University Mehmet Genç Campus.

At the workshop including 145 participants from 75 organizations and 22 different cities and attended by  stakeholders and sector representatives in the ecosystem such as Intelligent Transportation Systems, automotive and telecommunications, the impact of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles on the present and the future, as well as their technological, legal and sociological dimensions were discussed.

Marmara University VeNIT Lab Director Assoc. Prof. Müjdat Soytürk gave information about current and future AUS applications in his speech on “From Connected Vehicles to Autonomous Vehicles: V2X Communication and Services”. He talked about the benefits of Connected Vehicles and its impact on the spread of autonomous vehicles. He shared his work on V2X communication, connected vehicles, smart services, carried out by VeNIT Lab. He presented a demonstration of the Traffic Light Time-Phase Information Sharing scenario with V2X communication developed and implemented in the field. He talked about 5 ongoing EU (H2020/Horizon Europe) projects and shared his works on Precision Road User, Edge Computing, Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence.

The event,  to which ministries, municipalities, universities, automotive organizations, cellular network operators, legal institutions, test and inspection institutions, large and small-medium-sized organizations operating in the field of ITS participated, was carried out efficiently.